Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pictures for Online Journalism
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Gaming the Search Engine, in a political Season
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Spoof, Spam, Lurk and Lag: the Aesthetics of Text-based Virtual Realities
Conversational Terrorism
"You're looking less repulsive than usual today."
"If I hear you correctly, your point is... (get it all wrong)."
"It sounds as if you are saying that torturing children is a good idea...."
"Johnny, the reason I can't give you permission to go to the party is because I know that deep in your heart you'd rather spend the time here with me."
To bring up a past event and GET IT ALL WRONG, or even to make up a past event. The intent is to get the other person confused, angry, and defensive.
"You never admit defeat. Remember that chess game I beat you in?" (The one you lost.)
"But last week (or a minute ago) you said the opposite! Make up your mind!"
"Remember last time we had an argument, and you turned out to be wrong and wouldn't admit it? Now we're in the same spot we were last time."
"I would like to answer your question directly, but considering your past reactions / ability to cope with the truth / emotional instability, I feel that to do so would be a disservice to you at this time." [Other person gets (justifiably) upset.] "See, what did I tell you. You are flying off the handle already!"
After using any of the previous ploys, point out any physical manifestations of the other person's irritation as further proof that they are wrong.
"You seem to be sweating a lot. Of course, I would be too if I had to try to support your flimsy position."
I can see how a lot of people would be really bugged by all of these great tactics for any conversation.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet
When is Google not your friend?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Emailing and Networking Etiquette:
When reading through the information I learned some very important information that caught my attention and there were some good things that I felt I needed some reminding on. When sending emails some of the important things that stuck out to me were:
Be concise and to the point.
Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions.
Don't leave out the message thread.
Mailings > use the bcc: field or do a mail merge.
Do not request delivery and read receipts.
Use a meaningful subject.
I think that these are few of the most important points that someone should be reminded of when it comes to sending out emails in a business setting. I hope that each of you will take the time to check out this website when it comes to being better at emailing no matter who you are emailing.
To find out and learn more tips on how to write better business emails check out
Networking is an important part of business and it is important to know and use. Networking is a great opportunity to promote your business and for other people to network there’s. When networking businesses it is important to realize that when meeting in person or online you can help them grow their business and they can do the same for you. There are quite a few techniques that can help you when it comes to meeting potential customers. Networking online can harm your business if you don’t know how to proper way to handle yourself online.
Here are a few basic principles to use in solving your own Netiquette dilemmas.
It's easy to misinterpret your correspondent's meaning. And it's frighteningly easy to forget that your correspondent is a person with feelings more or less like your own.
Computer networks bring people together who'd otherwise never meet.
Humans exchanging email often behave the way some people behind the wheel of a car do: They curse at other drivers, make obscene gestures, and generally behave like savages. Most of them would never act that way at work or at home. But the interposition of the machine seems to make it acceptable.
When writing online proposes this useful test : "Would I say this to the person's face?" If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel as comfortable saying these words to the live person as you do sending them through cyberspace.
You don't have to be engaged in criminal activity to want to be careful. Any message you send could be saved or forwarded by its recipient. You have no control over where it goes.
People seem to have a lower standard of ethics in cyberspace because there is less risks of being caught.
When you enter a domain of cyberspace that's new to you, take a look around. Spend a while listening to the chat or reading the archives. Get a sense of how the people who are already there act. Then go ahead and participate.
Don’t waste people’ time. You don’t want them to waste yours.
You won't be judged by the color of your skin, eyes, or hair, your weight, your age, or your clothing. You will, however, be judged by the quality of your writing.
Know what you're talking about and make sense.
Don't be afraid to share what you know.
Of course, you'd never dream of going through your colleagues' desk drawers. So naturally you wouldn't read their email either
To check out more tips and rules on how better to present yourself online check out this website.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Speech outline
Executive Summary: Ariel
We at Kappa Delta are trying to make a difference in the community and want to help you become involved the worthwhile cause of child abuse prevention. We know that every little bit helps and a donation of any kind would be a benefit to the children in need. The education and awareness gained through our programs are priceless because of the many lives that have been saved. Donations of time, service, raffle tickets, gift certificates and monetary donations would help facilitate this great cause to move forward in preventing child abuse among families and communities nationwide. (Expand) (Feel free to change this or add to it, you can also change or add anything to the letter as well.)
Fliers: Jeff and Monica (Ariel did you say you had something like this or did we need to create this?)
Background on organization and campaign:
Jeff (Ariel can you provide us with more information on the sorority and the campaign, I have the information from the letter but any extra info would be very helpful)
Benefits for Kappa Delta and Donating Businesses.: Monica
Conclusion: Ariel, Monica, Jeff
(Ariel this needs to be posted to our blog by Wednesday, here is a brief outline we can post and any information you can add would be helpful. We can meet together this week or next week and add and discuss things for our final but we needed an outline. Let us know anything we can add and then we will post it and then discuss more in depth when we meet together. See you Wednesday.) (Wednesday is a work day so let’s plan on meeting at the Library to finish up everything. )
Kappa Delta Fundraiser Letter
Sara Woodward
Shamrock Chair, Kappa Delta Sorority
Phone: 801-543-2356
Executive Summary
We at Kappa Delta are trying to make a difference in the community and want to help you become involved the worthwhile cause of child abuse prevention. We know that every little bit helps and a donation of any kind would be a benefit to the children in need. The education and awareness gained through our programs are priceless because of the many lives that have been saved. Donations of time, service, raffle tickets, gift certificates and monetary donations would help facilitate this great cause to move forward in preventing child abuse among families and communities nationwide.
Dear Friend,
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” Today you have an incredible opportunity to make a lasting impact on our present, and to ensure our future and the future of generations to come. By standing with Kappa Delta to prevent child abuse, you can help invest in the future of our country.
Kappa Delta Sorority began supporting “Prevent Child Abuse America” 24 years ago, and two years later, began the nationwide Shamrock Event named in honor of the “lucky” month of March in which the event is traditionally held. Each spring, our chapter here at Utah State University stages our annual Shamrock Event talent show or benefit concert.
How You Can Make a Difference
Working hand in hand with our alumnae and local businesses, we plan to make this year’s Shamrock Event the best yet! However, the expenses for this event are approximately $600. In the past about 70 percent of our funding has come from outside donors, which add up to about $ 3,000 donated from benefactors within the community. Sponsorship comes in many different forms; such as: monetary donations, raffle prizes, silent auction packages, gift certificates, and food for concession sales.
This year we are looking for donations such as:
• food for the concession stand
• gift certificates
• flower arrangements for the Shamrock Event Dinner or bouquets for speakers
• silent auction packages
• monetary donations
• corporate sponsorship
• tickets to events or concerts
Your donation is not just an investment in America’s future – it’s also an opportunity for you to raise your profile on campus. Each business that donates will be recognized in the program at each of the events.
Other ways you can get involved include:
• provide advertizing for our upcoming event
• allow us to advertize our event in your business
• allow a donation jar for your customers to donate in
• Provide a percentage of specific revenue toward Prevent Child Abuse America
How to Recognize the Warning Signs of Child Abuse
• Nervousness around adults
• Aggression toward others
• Inability to stay awake or concentrate for long periods of time
• Dramatic or sudden changes in personality
• Unnatural interest in sex
• Recurrent or unexplained bruises
• Low self-esteem
• Bad personal hygiene
These are all signs that a child may be in an abusive situation. Many people don’t believe that this is a serious problem, or that it doesn’t concern them. They’re wrong. Last year alone over 20,300 cases of child abuse were reported in the state of Utah. According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System there are approximately 1,400 child fatalities a year due to child abuse. And 50 to 60 percent of the deaths due to child abuse or neglect are never recorded.
Child abuse affects ALL of us. The United States government spends over $258 million each day on public programs because of the abuse and neglect of today’s children. This means that the average household pays $1,460 a year for these programs, in tax dollars, while the federal government invests a meager $10 in prevention research per reported case. Therefore, it is up to us.
What is “Prevent Child Abuse America”?
Prevent Child Abuse America was founded in 1972 and has been the leading advocate for preventing child abuse and neglect among our nation’s children. They have 39 state chapters and sponsor prevention at the local and state level. Programs advocate abuse prevention legislation, and adult and youth programming to educate and raise awareness. With help of concerned citizens like you, we can strengthen families and communities nationwide.
One of us will be calling you in the next few days to touch base about what you will be able to give, and how we should go about picking up your donation. We look forward to talking to you. And we look forward to working with you to prevent child abuse right here in Logan and nationwide. Thanks!
The Beta Delta chapter of Kappa Delta Sorority
Ariel Leigh Wade
VP Standards
Monica Swapp
PR representative
Jeffery Wright
PR representative
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Barrage Final Press Release
Contact: Meridith Hankenson-Becket
March 4th 2008
Barrage, the musical group bringing a new sense of inspiration to the world one note at a time.
LOGAN, Utah-Barrage is traveling throughout the country sharing their musical talents with the world. They are a group of musicians that have come together from all over the world to bring a new style of sound to people.
Barrage was created in Calgary, Canada in 1996. As the years have come and gone different cast members have been added to the group and others have left to go onto other things. Barrage combines a bunch of musical numbers together and brings music from all over the world to one stage. The cast of Barrage includes six violinist/vocalist, one drummer, one bass player and a guitarist. It takes so much time and energy to bring this musical group together and make things happen.
“High Strung” is the name of the tour for this coming year as they prepare to tour the world. Each cast member brings a different style to the table and is able to bring fireworks to the stage when combined with all of the cast members.
“Each of the players has a different style and character that added to the group that helped the music come alive and reached out to me,” said Natalie Jones.
The tour began on Feb. 15 in Tallahassee, Fla. and will continue to tour until May 8 2008. They will be visiting stages all over the country. This amazing group will complete over 20 performances in the USA, Europe, Asia and Canada. For specific dates and cities check out the website.
The songs played by the entertainers come from different musicians from all over the world. There are chines folk tunes, American blue grass music and Acadian Fiddle tunes.
“I loved the music and the feelings I felt as I listened to the concert. It made me feel as if I had visited different parts of the world and I didn’t even leave the small town of Logan,” said Lisa Christensen.
If you would like more information contact Jeffrey Wright # 813-991-1564 or go to www.barrage.org to get more information on dates of the concerts.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Burger Planet Positioning Paper
We have recently hired Jayne Peterson, Opal Whitcomb's personal trainer, in order to promote original healthy items on the menu. This move was made in order to give Burger Planet a competitive edge in the ever-growing health trend started by fast food restaurants around the world. Peterson has taken charge of customer's favorite fast food place, showing people how to enjoy their favorite foods at Burger Planet but still maintaining a healthy life style. She has helped so many people get healthy and stay fit while still enjoying their favorite foods.
Petersen has brought new healthier items to our menu that can help you still have that great burger you have enjoyed for a number of years but maybe cut back on your side items and go with apples or other healthier options.
Customers have decided that they want to eat healthier but still want to enjoy the things they love. According to outgoing Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, "The popularity of diet books and products which represent about $42 billion in annual spending in the United States shows that Americans are interested in leading healthier lives." Forbes: January 2005
Burger Planet wants to help these customers make this possible by offering healthier side choices such as grapes, apple slices, bananas and so many other healthy sides. Burger Planet also added great gourmet salads to their menu, which include the spinach salad with Raspberry vinaigrette and Caesar salad that can help anyone wanting to stay in shape. They even offer the Mercury Burger that is half size for people wanting to cut back on the portion sizes they eat.
"Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson stated, "Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, and more than 50 percent of Americans do not get the recommended amount of physical activity, so the 2005 guidelines emphasize physical activity and calorie control more than ever before."
Peterson will be a great asset to us in promoting physical activity as well as healthy eating habits. We don't believe that to be healthy you must give up everything you enjoy eating but making modifications to your diet along with exercise is the key to living a healthy life style.
Burger Planet was founded in 1934 to serve their customers and continues to have the customer's interest at heart today. Burger Planet is still the same great place but now there are healthier choices to help meet your everyday life style with the same great taste and friendly service you have always received here at Burger Planet.
We are offering healthy side choices and great new salads.
We have created Mercury Burger that is half size for people wanting smaller portions.
Hiring Jayne Peterson
People will still enjoy the things they love but still eat healthy
Healthier lifestyle.
Happy/Satisfied customers.
We know that by offering healthier choices our customers will be satisfied and be able to live a healthier lifestyle and customers will still be able to enjoy the things they love and eat great.
With hiring Jayne Peterson as part of Burger Planets team we know that our customers will be able to get in shape and keep the weight off. She is a great role model and mentor for so many of our customers that we know she will help them live a healthy lifestyle.
With the healthier choices on the menu people will be able to choose what they want to eat and how they can live their life better.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Media Pitch to the Herald Journal (Final Draft)
Herald Journal
Feb 27, 2008
Residents from a small town come together to be educated on financial independence and become financial free.
Dear John,
We wanted to let you know about a new educational class that has been started by a small group in the community that is trying to make a difference in the financial world. Members of the Cache Valley Area Investors Association meet every other Thursday to discuss needs that they feel are beneficial to them in helping them stay on top of their finances and receive guidance and direction on certain topics. Their next meeting will be held on March 6th and is free of charge and they will discuss different financial topics.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association was started by Preston Parker back in August of 2007 to help educate members of the community. In doing this they have many different guest speakers attend their meetings to discuss topics that they feel are important.
The association was created to help members better understand their own personal finances and become financially free.
Are you available to sit down with Preston Parker this Thursday, Feb 28th between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to meet and discuss any questions you may have about the association?
Please feel free to contact me at any time and let me know what time will work best for you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Jeff Wright
Public Relations Director
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Toyota Press Release on the New IS F & Toyota Literacy Program
I was able to find some great articles on the press release from Toyota discussing the release of their new literacy program for Hispanics and other immigrant families and how it will effect the community and the members. This article was very positive in discussing what Toyota is doing for Hispanic immigrants and helping them in their literacy journey to learning English. Toyota is doing everything they can and trying to give back to the community. This article and press release is very positive for the company and will have a great impact on the community itself.
The articles discussed some of the benefits that come from this program and how it will effect and in turn be a huge thing for Hispanic immigrants in the long run and for generations to come. They discussed the areas that this program will have effect on and how many schools will benefit from this great program.
They stated that the three schools from which the funds will be given are all within the granite school district and the average between 33 percent and 46 percent Hispanic enrollment. These schools are in a great need for this program and will be a huge help to the students and the teachers.
The Utah school district will be given about $600,000s when the program goes into effect and will be distributed between the three schools. This great program will not only be helping schools here in Utah but will be helping schools in Washington, California, Arizona and Florida.
News stories.
Press Release #2, 2008 IS F Specifications and Features.
Lexus has just released the new IS F sports luxury car. In the first article I chose about this press release they discuss the competition this new car is about to bring to its competitors and how it will effect the market. People and feel that it is going to over take the BMW M3 and compete with the Audi RS 4. They discussed the reasons that Lexus came out with this vehicle and how it was not made specifically to compete with those other cars. It is something that they have wanted to do and it is something that Yukihiko Yaguch the creator wanted. He presented the idea of the IS F in years past and was turned down but felt that it was something Lexus should really consider. He kept the project to himself and continued to work on it for a few more years to come until he was able to get all the details worked out and feel comfortable that he could present it and Lexus would be ready and willing to except it.
They go onto to discuss the specifications of the car and the details about its debut. In the article they explain that this car is a something beyond the IS 250 and IS 350. In both articles they give the features and the aspects of the car. They are more informational than anything.
This car has really come a long way and it ready to go out and make its way to the world. This article has come across in a very positive light showing the features and the specifications of the new car and what it has to offer to its loyal customers who have been waiting for something like this for a long time.
2008 Lexus IS F Specifications and Features
Analysis of Articles and Release
I researched a few companies and tried to find press releases that appealed to me and that caught the attention of the audience. As I researched the press releases I decided to look up Lexus on Google and was directed to the Toyota website where I was able to find the posting of there press releases. I chose two separate press releases on discussed the literacy program that Toyota had decided to become involved in was donating a large sum of money to school districts around the nation to help better education immigrants that have come to this country. The second released discussed the features of the new IS F Lexus and what is has planned for the future.
I was able to find quite a few articles through google, which discussed both topics in depth. In the first press release and articles that I was able to locate discussed where the schools were located and what their needs were. They focused on informing the public and the issues that they would be meeting. In the articles I found that they came in a positive light and that Toyota was doing what they could to give back to the community.
In the second press release they discussed the new features and profile for the new Lexus that is coming out in the year 2008. In most of the articles they discussed mainly the features and details of the car. They were able to get inside information from the main engineer who designed and came up with the idea for this new car and how he went about it. They discussed the inside and then went to the outside to get the customers perspective on the car and what they expected from it. They also discussed what this will do to the market that Lexus competes in and how it is able to compete with the RS 4 and the BMW M series. Lexus made it very clear that they had no desire to make the car to compete but felt that its customers were ready to accept this new car.
In each of the articles I felt that they received credible quotes and information regarding the program and the profile of the new car. With the literacy program I believe they released it to get the information out there and to make the public aware of the good service they are providing to the community and showing that this is a great way to give back to the community. In the press release discussing the new IS F they wanted to inform the public of the new adventure they can be expecting in the future and to inform their competitors and loyal customers to be ready for something great.
With each of the articles written they were driven by different forces and with the first article people like to see the big companies giving back. I also believe that Toyota loved the image that came from this great story and although they are donating a lot of money they will get that money back from Loyal customers who see the story and feel they can connect to the company. In regards to the release informing the public of the new car coming forth they wanted to inform the people and give them something to look forward too. I believe that these articles were posted and driven by the desire from customers and them wanting to know as much as they could about the new vehicle and what expect from it.
Each of these releases gave something great to the public but definitely to the company as well. I feel that they were both directed to the media in a positive light. I think that each of these articles were beneficial to the company and that they came forth in the right way to catch peoples attention and in doing so a lot of articles were written by the media.
The things that made each of these articles effective was that they were directed in the right direction and to the right people. When creating a release you want to inform people and often times hope that the media catches it and creates a news story from it. In doing this the company receives free advertising and publicity. Lexus and Toyota did just that and I believe that they got exaclty what they wanted and it was effective.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Barrage Press Release
Contact: Meridith Hankenson-Becket
Barrage “High Strung”
Barrage, the musical group bringing a new sense of inspiration to the world one note at a time.
LOGAN, Utah-Barrage is a young hip musical group that is traveling throughout the country sharing their musical talents with the world. Barrage is a group of musicians that have come together from all over the world to bring a new style of sound to people all over.
Barrage was created in Calgary, Canada in 1996. As the years have come and gone different cast members have been added to the group and others have left to go onto other things. Barrage combines a bunch of musical numbers together and brings music from all over the world to one stage.
“High Strung” is the name of the tour for this coming year as they prepare to tour the world. Each cast member brings a different style to the table and is able to bring fireworks to the stage when combined with all of the cast members.
“Each of the players had a different style and character that added to the group that helped the music come alive and reached out to me,” said Natalie Jones.
The tour began on Feb 15th in Tallahassee, Florida and will continue to tour until May 8th 2008. They will be visiting stages all of the country. This amazing group will complete over 20 performances in the USA, Europe, Asia and Canada. For specific dates and cities check out the website.
The songs played by the entertainers come from different musicians from all over the world. There are chines folk tunes, American blue grass music and Acadian Fiddle tunes.
“I loved the music and the feelings I felt as I listened to the concert. It made me feel as if I had visited different parts of the world and I didn’t even leave the small town of Logan,” said Lisa Christensen.
The cast of Barrage includes six violinist/vocalist, one drummer, one bass player and a guitarist. It takes so much time and energy to bring this musical group together and make things happen.
If you would like more information contact Meridith Hankenson-Becket # 813-991-1563 or go to www.barrage.org to get more information on dates of the concerts.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Media Pitch
Dear John,
We wanted to let you know about a new educational class that has been started by a small group in the community that is trying to make a difference in the financial world. Members of the Cache Valley Area Investors Association meet every other Thursday to discuss needs that they feel are beneficial to them in helping them stay on top of their finances and receive guidance and direction on certain topics. Their next meeting will be held on March 6th to discuss different financial topics.
Cache Valley Area Investors Association was started by Preston Parker back in August of 2007 to help educate members of the community. In doing this they have many different guest speakers attend their meetings to discuss topics that they feel are important.
The association was created to help members better understand their own personal finances and become financially free.
Are you available to sit down with Preston Parker this Thursday, February 28th between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to meet and discuss any questions you may have about the association?
Please feel free to contact me at any time and let me know what time will work best for you. We look forward to hearing from you.
Jeff Wright
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Cache Valley Area Investors Association Press Release 2
Contact: Preston Parker
Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Phone Number: four three five-seven five seven-four five six zero
Cache Valley Area Investors Association makes a difference in educating residents on how better to save money.
LOGAN, Utah-Residents of Logan have come together to make a difference in the financial world to help educate members of the community on how better to save, invest and handle their money. In August of 2007 Preston Parker started an association to help educate people on their personal finances. People live day to day wondering how they are going to make it to the next day. This association is set up to advise and counsel people on how to better save and spend their money. This can help you in becoming financially independent.
"I started this association to help educate people," said Parker. Every other Thursday a small group meets together to be educated on how to invest their money. In attending you can learn how to make money work for you rather than against you. Many people are making an earned income, which they are working for five days a week. This association can help you earn a passive income where your investments work for you. When they meet they discuss different financial dealings that are important to them. Often times they have guest speakers come in and offer advice and suggestions.
"Money does not equate to happiness…," said Parker. This is not some way to make money quick but it is a way to better educate yourself on how better to live and save your money. It takes time and a process to be able to have your money work for you.
If you would like to become an active member all you need to do is send an email to chachvaia@gmail.com. Members meet every other Thursday to discuss different aspects. At this time there is 35-40 members and each week they get an average of 10 different members at the meeting to discuss different topics that they feel are important. There is no cost to join and it is purely for educational purposes. The goal of this class is to inform people on how to invest their money. The age range of members varies from 20-55.
This small group meets at 160 N. Main Street Logan, Utah. If you would like more information contact Preston Parker at four three five-seven five seven-four five six zero or send Parker an email.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Contact: Preston Parker
Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Phone Number: four three five-seven five seven-four five six zero
Cache Valley Area Investors Association
LOGAN, Utah-Residents of Logan have come together to make a difference in the financial world to help educate members of the community on how better to save, invest and handle your money. In August of 2007 Preston Parker created a class to help people better understand their finances. Each Thursday as they meet they discuss different financial dealings. Often times they have guest speakers come in and offer advice and suggestions. People live day to day wondering how they are going to make it to the next day. These classes are able to advise and counsel people on how to better save and spend their money. This class can help you in becoming financially independent.
"I started this class to help educate people," said Parker. Every Thursday a small group meets together to be educated on how to invest their money. In attending these classes you can learn how to make money work for you rather than against you. Many people are making an earned income, which they are working for five days a week. This class can help you earn a passive income where your investments work for you.
"Money does not equate to happiness…," said Parker. This is not some way to make money quick but it is a way to better educate yourself on how better to live and save your money. It takes time and a process to be able to have your money work for you.
If you would like to become an active member all you need to do is send an email to chachvaia@gmail.com. Members meet every other Thursday to discuss different aspects. At this time there is 35-40 members and each week they get an average of 10 different members at the meeting to discuss different topics that they feel are important. There is no cost to join and it is purely for educational purposes. The goal of this class is to inform people on how to invest their money. The age range of members varies from 20-55.
This small group meets at 160 N. Main Street Logan, Ut. 84321. If you would like more information contact Preston Parker at four three five-seven five seven-four five six zero or send Parker an email.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Positioning Myself
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics many event planners have backgrounds in a array of degrees and skills, but some useful undergraduate majors are marketing, public relations, communications, business, and hotel or hospitality management. Individuals who have studied hospitality management may start out with greater responsibilities than those with other academic backgrounds. At this time they are showing that this field is growing rapidly in 2006 they had 51,000 jobs available and they predict in the next 10 years to have a 20 percent increase and the numbers to be at 61,000. Median annual earnings for meeting and convention planners in May 2006 were $42,180. The middle 50 percent earned between $32,840 and $55,040. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,880, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $70,950.
While many people enjoy attending the events, more often than not companies are celebrating these parties in honor of their customers or employees.
In trying to obtain this job I plan to contact the hiring manager of the companies I would like to work for. In doing this I will help them see why I am the best candidate for the job.
With these jobs comes a lot of responsibility. I was able to speak with many people and to come to realize companies are looking for people who are detail oriented and who are able to come up with ideas quickly and to act quickly. With event planning come’s a lot of work and responsibility. Not everything goes the way you want it to and you need to be able fix problems and take care of things that may not fall into place. Experience is a key aspect to working in the industry and being able to work with other people. It is important to remember your purpose and have a understanding of what the company expects.
I was able to speak with Rachel Lewis, the communications director at Workers compensation. In speaking with her I was able to get some insight on what they expect for people applying for a job. She also discussed what her job exactly entails. I was able to learn that the best thing to get involved in public relations is to gain experience and to show them that you have the potential to make something great. Often times you have to start off planning small events and parties and eventually the events become bigger and bigger. She told me that you need to be able to work quick on your feet and be able to come up with great ideas fast. Often times when working in the industry, lots of things go wrong or things don’t always turn out the way you expected and you need to be able to make adjustments and turn things around.
I also spoke with Rachel Keddington at Modern display. She is an event planner for the company and plans a lot of weddings and different events for companies around the valley. She helped me to gain an insight to see that when being hired for a company you need to be available and willing to work nights and weekends. She also discussed the details that go along with event planning and working with vendors and being able to know how much a certain party will cost and how to go about getting your customers the best deal. As time goes on and you have planned a number of events you will start to see what companies are the best to work with and which ones will give you the best deal. She also stated that often times she has 3 different vendors that she can call depending on the quality and budget of the company. She rates them on service. She knows that she can contact a certain company and they may be the cheapest and get the job done but it may not be the best quality but often times when people are on budgets they are often times willing to go a little cheaper. Other companies want the best and are willing to spend the money to get the best service and product. She stated she usually ends up going with the company in the middle who will give her a good deal and still is able to produce quality work. One thing that she explained was that you become very familiar with your vendor and the cost, service and quality of work they provide. Once you have worked with a vendor for a long time you are able to get discounts and pass that along to your customers.
There are many avenues that come with working in the industry and a lot of times it just takes hands on experience to be able to fully understand the industry. I feel that I am being prepared through schooling, planning events and other opportunities to work in the public relations field and plan events.
Before I graduate in 2010 I plan to work in the Public relations industry doing internships with different companies to become educated on how different jobs and companies work with the media, the public and community events. In doing this I hope to better gain an understanding of where my skills can be best used. I would love to plan events and fairs for companies but feel that I need to get my feet wet in other areas of the field. I really enjoy writing and would like to widen my skills and understanding when it comes to writing for companies. In doing this I will be a better tool when it comes to working with other people and being an asset to the company and their customers.
When I graduate with my degree in public relations and Marketing I plan on sending out my resumes to a few companies within the state of Utah to gain some experience and a better understanding of the industry. I am hoping that in doing this I will be able to get a job that will lead me into a career. I also plan on contacting the companies that I have interned with to see if they have any job openings and to see if would be able to work for them again.
I feel that companies are looking for people with experience and I plan to get internships over the summer to help familiarize myself with the field and to be able to get a better understanding of what I am getting myself into and to gain experience.
Output Objectives:
- I plan to send out my resume and portfolio to 15 different companies around the state of Utah.
- I will contact people I know within companies and people I know from social networking to help me apply for jobs and locate jobs I may have not found other wise.
- I plan to follow up with companies that I have interviewed with to let them know I am still interested if I have not heard from them within a certain time period. I will also send out thank you notes to any one I have interviewed with to thank them for their time and for interviewing me.
- I plan to get 5 interviews from the resumes I have sent out.
- I plan to get job offers from 2 of the companies that I have interviewed with.
- These jobs will be my step stones to help me get started on the career path that will lead me to planning events for big companies across the country.
Talking Points
- I have the ability to be able to organize tasks and complete things in a timely manner. I can get things done in crunch time situations.
- When I started at Savage Services I was able to come in and reorganize different programs and assignments. In doing this I was able to clarify things and help customers and co-workers do there jobs better.
Dependable/ Loyal:
- I am dedicated to helping the company do better by staying loyal to our customers and the things they are in need of. In doing this it improves our relationship with current customers and future customers.
- I am willing to stay work with companies for long periods of time, in doing this it makes it possible for me to do my job better and work more efficiently with co-workers and customers.
- I have experience in planning events for church activities, work parties and social gatherings. I make sure that I have assigned things out and follow up to make sure they have been taken care.
- I have leadership experience and I am willing to take charge and get things done. I am willing to take initiative and get projects and assignments completed on time.
- I am able to work without supervision and I am able to stay on top of tasks and get them done on time.
- I am able to take charge and to make sure things get taken care of.
Burger Planet Press Release 2
Jeffrey Wright
Burger Planet
Burger Planet is now healthier than ever!
GARY, Ind. Feb. 3rd 2008- Jayne Petersen is the chief in town when it comes to Burger Planet and a new healthy lifestyle. She has taken charge of one of your favorite burger places and is showing people how to enjoy your favorite foods at Burger Planet but maintaining a health life style. She has helped so many people get healthy and stay healthy. You can still enjoy your favorite foods and stay in shape.
Jayne Petersen is one of the best fitness mentors of the century and has helped so many people stay healthy and stay on the right track. She even helped Opal Whitcomb lose the unwanted weight and has helped her keep it off. Jayne Petersen is now helping Burger planet customers eat healthy but still enjoy the food they have loved for years.
Burger Planet is still the same great place but now there are healthier choices to help meet your everyday life style with the same great taste and friendly service you have always received here at Burger Planet. Burger Planet offers healthy side choices such as grapes, apple slices, bananas and so many other healthy sides. They also have great gourmet salads which include the spinach salad with Raspberry vinaigrette and Caesar salad that can help any one wanting to stay in shape. They even offer the Mercury Burger that is half size for people wanting to cut back on the portion sizes they eat. Burger Planet was founded in 1934 and has always had their customer’s interest at heart and they are still doing this today.
"I want our customers to realize that Burger Planet is committed to offering healthy choices on its menu," said James E. Muellenbach III. Muellenbach doesn’t want people to forget what they are all about and that is their wonderful burger and fries they are famous for. That’s what made this company what it is. There are a lot of great ways to eat healthy. You may still get your favorite burger when you come to Burger planet but that doesn’t always mean you have to go with everything else. Petersen has brought new healthier items to our menu that can help you still have that great burger you have enjoyed for a number of years but maybe cut back on your side items and go with apples or other healthier options.
"Well, I emphasize a message of moderation. Women can have a burger and fries now and then as long as they are active and also try some of Burger Planet's exciting new menu choices, such as the fruit packages." Said Jayne Petersen.
It is important for kids and families to eat healthier and Corny the clown is doing just that. He loves the taste of Burger planet’s hamburgers but exercises daily to keep in shape. He has been around showing kids how to stay in shape and visiting the local malls. He too loves the burgers but knows that he needs to cut back on his fries and eat some healthier sides. His most important thing is having regular exercise.
We think that it is important to eat right and stay healthy by having a regular exercise program. You can still enjoy the things you love at burger planet and still eat healthy. Come and try the new things that we have to offer to help you stay on track to a healthy lifestyle. Don’t miss out on some of your favorite food. We are making it easier for you to eat healthy and live a better lifestyle. For more information contact Jeffrey Wright (801) 865 9499.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Burger Planet
Jeffrey Wright
Burger Planet
Burger Planet is now healthier than ever!
GARY, Indiana Feb. 3rd 2008- Jayne Petersen is the chief in town when it comes to Burger planet and a new healthy lifestyle. She has taken charge and knows how to make your life healthier. Find out the changes that Jayne Petersen is making to make one of your favorite burger places better for your everyday life style.
Burger Planet is still the same great place but now there is healthier choices to help meet your everyday life style with the same great taste and friendly service you have always received here at Burger Planet. Burger Planet was founded in 1934 and has always had their customer’s interest at heart and they are still doing this today.
"it's a great idea to add more health-conscious items to our menu…" said James E. Muellenbach III but in saying this Muellenbach doesn’t want the people to forget what they are all about and that is there wonderful burger and fries. That’s what made this company what it is . There are a lot of great ways to eat healthy. You may still get your favorite burger when you come to Burger planet but that doesn’t always mean you have to go with everything else. Petersen has brought new healthier items to our menu that can help you still have that great burger you have enjoyed for a number of years but maybe cut back on your side items and go with apples or other healthier options.
"Well, I emphasize a message of moderation. Women can have a burger and fries now and then as long as they are active and also try some of Burger Planet's exciting new menu choices, such as the fruit packages." Said Jayne Petersen.
It is important for kids and families to eat healthier and Corny the clown is doing just that. He loves the taste of Burger planet’s hamburgers but exercises daily to keep in shape. He has been around showing kids how to stay in shape and visiting the local malls. He too loves the burgers but knows that he needs to cut back on his fries and eat some healthier sides. His most important thing is having regular exercise.
We think that it is important to eat right and stay healthy by having a regular exercise program. You can still enjoy the things you love at burger planet and still eat healthy. Come and try the new things that we have to offer to help you stay on track to a healthy lifestyle.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Press Release
Jan 23rd, 2008
ABC Real Estate LLC looking for investors
LOGAN, Utah- With real estate prices rising. Investing in housing is the way to go. ABC Real Estate is a new company here in Logan looking for investors, credit beneficiaries and residents who want to stop paying rent and move into a house and start making money.
Real Estate is the way to invest your money and has amazing returns on your dollar. ABC Real Estate opened there doors to everyone in August of 2007 and has taken the real estate investment to a whole new level. This technique has been used by high-class investors and now is being offered to middle class citizens who are tired of renting. This new way of investing is a great benefit to everyone.
"We can guarantee the residents will make their payments," said Bret Cob, President of ABC Real Estate. "We can guarantee 10 percent on your investment but it may be as high as 40 percent."
This new program is simple and it’s really no hassle. It’s simple and takes less time than buying or leasing a home. "We take care of all the paperwork and take care of the whole process for you in just 14 days." said Cob.
One of the great things that comes with this investment is the profit that is made buy everyone. Even residents of the home will get a portion the equity that comes when selling the home or if they decide to move. This new way of investing is called beneficiary-directed equity-holding land trust.
We have hundreds of properties waiting for investors and all these houses are available to move into now. We also have residents all lined up ready to move in.
It only takes a few short days and you will be ready to move in or making money from your investment. We take care of all the paperwork so there is no hassle for you. It’s as simple as that. This is a great way for anyone to invest their money and make a profit.
One of the great things for a credit beneficiary is the ability to build their credit because they will show a successful history of repaying the mortgage loan, and they will receive benefits and protections that they would not receive if they simply rented out the property.This is a great help to all you who could never afford a down payment or be able to pay the monthly mortgage for a home. This is your chance to invest and stop throwing your money away by paying rent.
ABC Real Estate’s main office is located in Draper, Utah but is now has a small branch opening here in Logan with Cob’s partner Evan Nelson. The office is located at 123 Creative way, Logan Ut. 84321.
Contact: Bret Cob
President of ABC Real Estate
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Press Release
Contact: Bret Cob
President of ABC Real Estate
January 23rd, 2008
President Bret Cob
Logan, Utah- With real estate prices rising. Investing in housing is the way to go. ABC Real Estate is a new company here in Logan looking for investors, credit beneficiaries and residents who want to stop paying rent and move into a house and start making money.
Real Estate is the way to invest your money and has guarantee returns on your dollar. ABC Real Estate opened there doors to everyone in August of 2007 and has taken the real estate investment to a whole new level. This technique has been used by high-class investors and now is being offered to middle class citizens who are tired of renting. This new way of investing is a great benefit to everyone.
"We can guarantee the residents will make their payments," said Bret Cob, President of ABC Real Estate. "We can guarantee 10 percent on your investment but it may be as high as 40 percent."
This new program is simple and it’s really no hassle. It’s simple and takes less time than buying or leasing a home. "We take care of all the paperwork and take care of the whole process for you in just 14 days." Said Cob.
One of the great things that comes with this investment is the profit that is made buy everyone. Even residents of the home will get a portion the equity that comes when selling the home or if they decide to move. This new way of investing is called beneficiary-directed equity-holding land trust.
We have hundreds of properties waiting for investors and all these houses are available to move into now. We also have residents all lined up ready to move in.
It only takes a few short days and you will be ready to move in or making money from your investment. We take care of all the paperwork so there is no hassle for you. It’s as simple as that. This is a great way for anyone to invest their money and make a profit.
One of the great things for a credit beneficiary is the ability to build their credit because they will show a successful history of repaying the mortgage loan, and they will receive benefits and protections that they would not receive if they simply rented out the property.This is a great help to all you who could never afford a down payment or be able to pay the monthly mortgage for a home. This is your chance to invest and stop throwing your money away by paying rent.
ABC Real Estate’s main office is located in Draper, Utah but is now has a small branch opening here in Logan with Cob’s partner Evan Nelson. The office is located at 123 Creative way, Logan Ut. 84321.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Letter to Cousin
I wanted respond to your questions regarding public relations and what it is. Some people are saying that the new term for P.R. is Strategic Communications. No matter what you refer to is as you are working with people to help them to understand you or your company better.
In helping me to understand the ideas of PR the definition has been a great tool to many people and myself.
Public relations is the art and the social sciences and analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both the organization and public interest.
There are a lot of things that are involved when it comes to working in public relations. Some of the many task that come with the industry consist of advising management on policies, plan and conduct meetings, participate in policy decisions, talk to editors and reporters, listen to speeches, plan and manage events and conduct tours.
There are three main areas that we focus on when it comes to working with people and the media. The message, audience and media. You need to know the message that you or your company wants to present or portray. You need to become familiar with the information and know how to best answer people’s questions or whom you can direct them to in order to get their questions answered. Second comes knowing your audience and who the message is being directed too and how to present it. You need to make sure the writing, language and the simplicity can be understood by the people you are directing the message. Lastly you need to know how to present your message to the media and how to get yourself out there. You want it to be provided to everyone you can but it needs to portrayed in the right light and presented in the right way. There are so many great benefits from the different aspects of the media and a broad group of people that can be reached by the different media aspects.
The three best ways to get the information the public is through television, radio and print. Each of these aspects of the media can be a great tool when it comes to presenting your message.
Television is a great way to present a message if you want it to be portrayed by video clips, live scenes and pictures. You can have live interaction with spectators and get their reaction. The one downside that comes with television is that they will only see it once and for a few minutes. Radio is another great way to present a message because listeners are very faithful and very loyal when it comes to the radio and if they hear something enough they are more likely to buy your product or accept the information that is being stated. Lastly the newspaper or print is a great way to present your message because people can read the message multiple times and this is a great way to present a message if it is something that is complicated or it’s a delicate message that you are releasing. It gives people time to think about it and let is sink in and to allow them to study it. The great thing that comes with the newspaper is you have time to put your message together.
There are so many things to write about when it comes to public relations. You write about what is going on within the company to stockholders. You may have to write a story in a magazine about big changes that are happening within the company or a product. You may hold a press conference to discuss things the media may have questions about or that you want to announce. Often times when something new is coming out or changing and you want the media to know. You will hold a press conference to announce the information and answer any questions people may have.
The big thing to remember when it comes to public relations is. It takes days, weeks, months or even years to attract people. Be patient because there is no quick fixes what took a longtime to build can come tumbling down and take a long time to rebuild.
Hope that this helps you to understand what public relations a little better and how it works. Good luck in school and work.
Jeffrey Wright